•  22 recognized international associations create the International Federation of Cannabis and Hemp Associations (IFCHA)

    Fédération internationale des associations de cannabis et de chanvre
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    most important conferences!

    Fédération internationale des associations de cannabis et de chanvre

What is the International Federation of Cannabis and Hemp Associations (FIACC)?

Founded in March 2023, IFCHA represents the cannabis and hemp ecosystem on international issues and consists of any association with a national scope that has cannabis or hemp-related activities. The Federation’s mission is to bring together hemp and cannabis associations, support the responsible development of Cannabaceae liberalisation, cultivation, processing, and marketing as well as advance sustainability, diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility within the global industry.


IFCHA wants to be a key player and the voice of the hemp and cannabis ecosystem at the global level. But also, to be recognized by the Federation’s members and stakeholders as a credible and constructive interlocutor, with the capacity to address global policy needs as well as to support nations in their regulatory journey towards appropriately regulated and liberalised markets.

Our Members

A passionate cannabis community !

  • Fédération internationale des associations de cannabis et de chanvre
  • Fédération internationale des associations de cannabis et de chanvre
  • Fédération internationale des associations de cannabis et de chanvre
  • Fédération internationale des associations de cannabis et de chanvre

    Discover Our members

  • Fédération internationale des associations de cannabis et de chanvre
  • Fédération internationale des associations de cannabis et de chanvre